Monday, June 26, 2017

How to use Wikis in the Classroom

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What is a wiki?
A wiki is at its essence a website that continually be edited and developed upon my multiple individuals.  With a wiki, not only is a viewer able to look at the material provided, but can become and editor and provide insight and information.  A wiki is always under construction. Perhaps we have all heard of the most popular wiki, Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.  This is an online reference with no one author but many, many, contributors.  More information and details about what a wiki is can be found here.

Image result for agriculture wikipedia logoHow can I  use them in my classroom? 

Within classrooms, we have multiple ways wiki's can benefit the education process.  One very obvious thought i have for the use of wiki's in the classroom, are group projects.  There can be constant updating and working from remote locations.  This aids in being able to work outside of the classroom, and addresses issues that students may face in having transportation.  

We can also use wiki's as an educational tool.  It allows for basic website editing skills to be learned.  If you are technology based classroom and you have an educational standard to reach on teaching basic web editing, wiki would be a great place to start. 

Image result for edit a wikipediaIn agriculture classrooms we often look for new ways to develop the use of technology for our students.  Wikis can be used to help that.  In the Vet Science unit students are encouraged to participate in a Vet Science SAE project.  That project can be tracked and recorded using a wiki to present a usable website at the end of the project.  

How to use Wikis in the Classroom

What is a wiki? A wiki is at its essence a website that continually be edited and developed upon my multiple individuals.  With a wiki,...