Monday, June 19, 2017

Integrating Technology into the classroom

This past week I read the article “Integrating Technology into the Classroom.” This article gives a look back on technology used in classrooms, the motivation behind integrating classroom technology, examples of classroom technology uses, the concerns of using technology, and the recommendations to improve the adaptation of technology to the classroom.

Historical Background
The usage of technology overtime has changed.  When I first started elementary school the best days of school were when you saw the television cart with the loaded VCR ready to watch a movie.  We had basic audiovisual techniques that included the box screened television and the almighty overhead projector.  The article highlights those changes, even quoting Thomas Edison “Books will soon be obsolete in the schools…. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge in the motion picture.”  We have seen this become the case as well as the types of technology that allows us to share written technology.  The article discusses the usage of the personal computer as well internet usage.   Since this article was written in 2007 we have seen even more growth in technology formats.  This will continue to change and develop, how will we continue to change and develop the uses to our classroom?


According to the article the main sectors pushing technology adaptation in the classroom are the non profit organizations, commerce, and education sectors.   Take a look at ISTE, NETS-T, NETS-S and NCLB, all have plans and promises to develop and implement technology plans in k-12 classrooms.  Private industry is developing and retooling technology everyday.  There re-engineering of the technology allows for new products.  New products comes intense marketing campaigns to implement this new technology in our classrooms.  Teachers are wanting to become more learner centered instructors.  The usage of technology allows us to do that more effectively.  Students can develop and learn in a modified “real world” situation by allowing technology into our classrooms.  As educators we can meet goals and standards in new exciting ways by having technology in our classroom.

Classroom Examples
In our classrooms we can have many forms of technology.  W can have interactive whiteboards, that allow us to develop interactive flipcharts for students to discover material.  These “smart boards” are commercial technology that replaces a white board or but enables us to write over the material presented.  Classroom management software allows the instructor to see what the student is doing on their desktop, as well as control internet access and overall desktop management.  Student response systems such as clickers allow for us to collect information from students in an interactive setting.  We can also use this as an attendance check.  The article includes many more examples.  For more information follow the link in the introduction to the entire article.


The article provides more insight to why concerns still exist for integrating technology into the classroom.  We have unwilling teachers that for a variety of reason are reluctant to change, that do not want to bring in new methods.  There are those who believe that technology creates a dependency and creates a person with a lack of basic fundamental skills.  There are also those who freak out because of copyright and plagiarism concerns causing reluctance.  There is also a digital divide in population. I come from a school system that there is a large population that does not have access to internet at home.  There are concerns by making this a requirement the student is put at a disadvantaged place.  This also requires a trained teacher base, for those already in the profession this leaves the school district having to provide training.  Is this feasible for the school?  


The overall recommendations can be found by following the link in the introductory paragraph.  Basically, we want to encourage legal implementation.  Follow policy standards.  Encourage students to avoid plagiarism and support interdisciplinary collaboration.  Ensure all polices are being followed and enjoy the creative world of technology in the modern classroom.  

How to use Wikis in the Classroom

What is a wiki? A wiki is at its essence a website that continually be edited and developed upon my multiple individuals.  With a wiki,...