Monday, June 19, 2017

Whiteboard Research Base

In reading chapter one of the iBook: Effective Use of Interactive Whiteboards, i learned in depth information that allows for the development of usage of an interactive whiteboard into the classroom.  

First what is an interactive whiteboard?  An interactive whiteboard or an IWB is commonly known as a smart board, that allows for interactive display in the format of a whiteboard that reacts to user input directly or through other devices. (
The reading gave a very good comprehensive overview of IWBs and how they can be used effectively in the classroom.  We also found in the reading some tips and tricks to formatting and making a usable flipchart.  

For myself the instructional benefits is proven through sound effective research.  These devices allow for interactivity, obviously, but in a variety of ways.  It also addresses students sensory needs in a classroom, and addresses a variety of sensory modes.  In a traditional classroom the lecture mode is a quick way to go, however research has proven we need more interactive.  Research also shows that students learn best in interactive modes.  

There are a lot of pros to this resource, however there are cons to using IWBs.  In some research it is argued that students can become technologically dependents.  This increases the size of a population that is lacking basic communication skills and reactivity skills.  However, I feel with a good solid balance of interactive technology with traditional teaching methods we can decrease the size of that problematic population.  

How to use Wikis in the Classroom

What is a wiki? A wiki is at its essence a website that continually be edited and developed upon my multiple individuals.  With a wiki,...